I've sat with two of my best friends this afternoon... two of which... you know... each is like one in a million.... you know what I mean...?
Are you finding yourself recently having less and less people from your close circle that actually understand you as they used to? Less and less people you can relate to, the way you thought you did...?
Are you sometimes feeling a bit more distanced than close with people you've known all your life... or even for quiet a few years...?
I'm here to suggest... let them go.... Not in any harm way. I'm only ere to say - stop fighting to for things that may no longer be there. Stop chasing anyone to try to make them like or understand you.
The intense times we are in, are calling us to go deeper into finding out who we truly are. To let go of all we are not. t is perfectly fine to realize, what you thought you had in common with others... is not really there. Maybe it was. For that time. Now you are going deeper inside. Now you are called to reconsider your truths. To realize you core beliefs. To release any pattern that no longer serves you.
We are on a ride to our highest destination. We are here to become our perfected, powerful, bright, magical self. It is a climb up to our highest reach. We are and will need to shed anything that weighs us down.
The good news is: For every piece of weight you shed, there is an endlessly greater return in Light. In achievement measures. You let go having to please your close environment and you gain self value You let go addiction to social media fame and you find your inner source of true joy. You face your deepest fears and gain freedom to live your life by your own Light compass.
What does it all have to do with living off the grid or with the magical time I spent with my besties?
I've been sharing for quite some time how these past few years have been demanding of me to let go so much of what and whom I've been surrounded with for most of my adult life. Communities, people, even close family. I've been talking about choices I needed to make which included holding onto the convenience of the old and familiar that was actually a great source of joy and pleasure and growth to me at its time, and my true inner guidance that has been immensely intensifying day by day.
Letting go of old friends or habits, does not "mark" them as "good" or "bad" (note to self: make a post about "good" and evil"). The times we are in, are helping and urging us to sail deeper and deeper into the beauty of our soul and learn to know our most precious treasures better and better. Our journey to our greatest treasures involves opening many gates we have closed before (see "What is Healing" post), facing the fears and/pain we were not ready to face, heal and reveal. Connect with our greatest powers.
You know how they say: “The meaning of life is to find your gift, the purpose of life is to give it away.” releasing all that holds us back from reconnecting with our souls' super-powers. A true friend would always support your path to your most elated self. They would never hold you back. We are taught to start identifying anyone and anything that may not have the same agenda. It's OK. We are not here to judge or harm. We can still send love to all to be successful on their own path. Yet we can no longer afford to hold back.

It is important to realize at this point.
Our quest to becoming the best, most joyous, powerful, spanking, shining version of our royal selves, not only can not take away from anyone else's way to do the same, but IT also IS our BEST WAY TO ADD VALUE TO OUR UNIVERSE.
Why am I so sure about that? Let's go back a few steps:
Remember? We are all pure, caring, loving souls that are made of.... One fabric alone: Love. Love as in care for all that is. Love as in endlessly and constantly look to impart good for all.
The only thing holding us from doing so... are our physical bodies that are made of the limiting fabric that includes: pain, trauma, limiting self beliefs, limiting perception, deceptive vision. (What in the world is going on with this world???… post).
That means, that once each of us, or the more of us, dig deeper behind our fears, traumas, limiting beliefs, and pain, we shed off the layers/open the gates to our true color: Love. And you know what's the best part? We are never really letting go anything. All that is really ours - is and always will be ours. We just need to let go of the imperfect version of it so we can reunite at a perfected state.Rip the full benefits, rather than settle for less.
My recent interactions with my recent environment was causing me great pain and discomfort. It's become very clear to both sides we did not see things eye to eye. And even if the overall belief and path seem identical - our ways to get there are oceans apart. Does that mean we will not all get to our goals at our own time, through our own path?not necessarily. It did mean, at least for me, that I need to trust my inner feelings and guidance and walk my own path even if I need to walk it alone.
And just like in the best fairy tails and/or best action movies: the more challenging and lonely it seemed - the greatest the rewards. My inner true, empowered self was hiding behind any choice of releasing what did not serve me. But never before some testing time of: Are you sure? Do you really think you can do this? Look how dark it feels....
My beloved teacher Karen Berg taught us many decades back: The only time we really grow spiritually, is that gap between letting go the ground underneath our feet (i.e. the old familiar ways and attachments), and the time we actually find the "Light" (i.e. the reward of inner gifts, strength, power). There must be a time gap between you letting to of your grip onto your old self, and finding the safer ground deeper, and closer to your soul's potential. That is the time your self confidence muscles are growing. That is the time you are going to look back and remember: I DID IT!
I sat for one amazing lunch with two of my best best besties and we were looking at each other .thinking... and saying... look how far different we are from each other... how unlikely we are to be friends... and WOW how we feel deeply connected. Like different parts of the same soul traveling on the same dimension, communicating on the same vibration and frequency. We each had to go through the dark tunnel of feeling isolated. Looking like we have no one on our "side". And look how the spirit vibration reached stronger than any words or sense.
Trust your inner vibration. Let go of the deceiving visual illusion that you may end up all alone. Everything that is truly yours is hiding right behind that fear of letting go and being left "alone". It is waiting for you to let loose and make room for it to vibrationally find you. Your true blessings are aligned with your inner most highest self vibe. Release all that is not aligned with - YOU, to find - the most perfect YOU.