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Releasing Guilt Meditation

Releasing Guilt Meditation.



We're "only human", aren't we?

Well Yes, we are perfectly human. And we also, are, an above perfection soul. Creator. We're made of both opposite absolutely beautiful "forces".

Complete opposites that are pulling in two completely opposite directions ... that are put together in each of us... to make peace. To figure out the way to be one...



a divine part of the force we call Creator (our soul). A being of only good. Of endlessness. Of no limits, is put into an earthy gorgeous body ... that.. is less of an endless kind... it comes with fears, it sees less of the spectrum the soul sees, it is geared to tell us - watch out - falling off this cliff (literally and figuratively in life) may not be your best bet...

So, how are we supposed to make sense of two opposite polar directions pulling at the same time in the same body...?

We're using a secret called LOVE. We pamper the limiting cautious force called the body with so much love.. and we are turning its direction from a limiting force into the ONLY tool that the soul can have in order to manifest the UNLIMITED dreams it came to draw down.

But, says sweet body, but... I've done harm... I've caused pain... I've acted out.. I am in pain. I am in shame. I can never forgive some of the things I've watched myself do...

Here's the meditation I was requested to happily share just for that.

Helping our beloved body - the ONLY tool that can manifest our soul's dreams - remove residues of old shame, guilt, and pain.

Please enjoy,

Please reflect - how did you feel?

Please share your experience,

And please share with everyone that can benefit.

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