Repentance??? Why?? What does it really mean? What do I need it for??
In the month of Virgo we all get huge magnifying glasses attached to our eyes - those that see everything that might be wrong with anything.
Let's go back to the basics: We are PURE ENDLESS SOULS having a limited body experience. And: We Love Both: Our pure endless soul AND our limiting body experience. This is what we're here to explore.
In the month of Virgo, we're getting additional skill to spot where our limiting body consciousness - is holding us back from reaching our UNLIMITED soul potential so we can CLEANSE it, remove it and attract the endless good that is available for each of us!
Find where we react in ways that Virgo magnifying glass says - wrong... Found it? (It's going to find YOU. No worries. You're going to start seeing all of it). Once we identify spots where we act differently than how we would like to. I want you to go deeper and think: What was setting me off? what DESIRE did I have that was not fulfilled that caused me to act out?
Now - I want you to CELEBRATE IT. You know why? Because: Our Desire IS HOW WE DRAW LIGHT. Without a desire, we would move and get anything good. We need a desire and the greater the desire the more we can achieve! Right?
Back to our reaction: I didn't RECEIVE something I DESIRED, therefore I reacted in a way I feel bad about. My desire was for: Love, Respect, Money, Happiness, Attention, Peace, ... GREAT!!! ALLLL fulfillment is art of our birthright and is what we are here for!! (Remember? the word "Kabbalah means: RECEIVING!) Embrace and celebrate your desire.
Now, instead of fighting and limiting it, GROW IT! Instead of getting upset that you didn't get it from an external source, instead of getting upset that I didn't get it at the exact time, I thought I needed it: GROW IT into allowing Creator to take care of it in a much greater way than the immediate fulfillment you desired before - one that be limited, smaller, shorter fulfillment than the one you have from the endless. Now that's a trade I am looking forward to! Quesitons? Talk to me.
